@Lafitenia, France I created additional video for Europe. I love this song, “Flume Sleepless Remix” and I created it in a bit of rush this time. 追加ムービーヨーロッパ版を作成してみました。少し急いでやっつけになりましたが、この曲が大好きです。 My Endless Summer Europe Youtube Link この曲はSound Cloudから無料でダウンロードできます。 I love this remix from Sound…
The Dirty Two 旅続行中の友人にスポンサー
A friend of mine got some media coverage for their blog and trip. it seems they got sponsored too! congrats! I really like the website logo. 旅から帰って久々に友人のTomブログみたら、かっこよくなっててメディアにも色々取り上げられていたようで、スポンサーもついたようで何より!おめでとう!ウェブのロゴもかっこいい。 The Dirty Two Media Coverage いろんな新聞やラジオに取り上げられたみたい ここのページに色々出ています。 check out their press page I met…
Sri Lanka and going back home. スリランカそして帰国へ
This time again, I created a short video clip by iPhone iMovie for Sri Lanka, check it out! 今回もiPohne iMovieで簡単なクリップ作ってみました。最早ブログ書くより全然簡単ってすごいわ。 I took a flight from London on 12/30th via Istanbul,Turky and arrived colombo, Sri Lanka on 31st evening. And Turkish…
Canary Islands, Lanzarote カナリア諸島にて
I created short movie clip by iMovie on iPhone for canary island surf trip, check out the video. It was super-easy with intuitive UI and took only couple hours to create this. iPhoneのiMovieアプリでカナリア諸島のところだけでさっくりビデオ作ってみました。こんなに簡単にできることに驚愕 初めて使ったけど2、3時間でできました。 Ear infections got better while I was in…
Off to long awaited Iceland 念願のアイスランドへ
My favorite surf movie “Castle in the sky” Ice land part starts from 1:30 大好きなサーフムービー I decided to take a flight to London from Lisbon and stay at TK house for 2 days and then off to Iceland. But Again,…
Ericeira surf and Ear Infection エリセイラと中耳炎
As soon as I arrive Ericeira, I started looking for hostel to stay as I decided to stay in hostel in Ericeira instead of sleeping in car because car break-in robbery often happens near surf point there. I stayed at…
Biarritz reunion and Lafitenia ビアリッツで再会 そしてラフィテーニア
The man is back!@Hossegor I got a message on FB when I was in Hossegor from Thomas who I made friend with in El salvador. He happened to be in Biarritz for short surf trip so we met again in…
Hossegor Quick Pro 2014 ホセゴー クイックプロ大会
Driving 4 hours straight from Paris to some highway rest area in between Hossegor and Paris. I parked in front of convenience store and used a paid shower for 2 Euro, then slept in the car. Next morning I…
Nightmare in Amsterdam and Peugeot Open Europe 悪夢のアムステルダムとプジョーオープンヨーロッパ
In Brussels, ブリュッセル中心部 Next morning, I did a bit of sightseeing in the city center area of Brussels and had famous waffle for lunch, then drove up to Amsterdam in the afternoon. Brussels to Amsterdam is about 3 hours. It…