I came back to London after spending 3 weeks in Canary Islands. TK will be gone for 10 days for Christmas vacation and spend his time in Japan so I will stay his house instead. カナリア諸島で3週間を過ごした後にロンドンに戻ってきました。TKが年末日本へとホリデーで一時帰国するのでその間 家に住まわしてもらいました。 TK house was located…
Off to long awaited Iceland 念願のアイスランドへ
My favorite surf movie “Castle in the sky” Ice land part starts from 1:30 大好きなサーフムービー I decided to take a flight to London from Lisbon and stay at TK house for 2 days and then off to Iceland. But Again,…
Nightmare in Amsterdam and Peugeot Open Europe 悪夢のアムステルダムとプジョーオープンヨーロッパ
In Brussels, ブリュッセル中心部 Next morning, I did a bit of sightseeing in the city center area of Brussels and had famous waffle for lunch, then drove up to Amsterdam in the afternoon. Brussels to Amsterdam is about 3 hours. It…