My Endless Summer 俺のエンドレスサマー

Tamarindo/Witchs Rock/Ollies Point Blind Surfer 盲目のサーファー

I took a taxi from POPOYO to bus station and took a Bus to and cross Costa Rica border. Actually I was here one and half year ago, so happy be to back here again.

POPOYOからタクシーとバスを乗り継いでニカラグア/コスタリカの国境を越え、Costa RicaはTamarindo タマリンドに移動しました。ここに来るのは一年半ぶり、戻って来れて嬉しいです。


this place is known for beautiful sunset.


Tamarindo has already a lot of tourism going on and made me feel like being back in the civilization after Nicaragua.

However, it is more expensive too. This is $10 breakfast. And it is way over my budget.


しかしながら物価が高くまいってしまいます。$10 breakfast 毎回朝食にこんなにお金使えません。


California Roll $15IMG_0645

I got together with Jack again who I met in Sayulita, Mexico.


Actually, I came here one and half year ago for business trip, and I have been to Witchs Rock and Ollies point that time so I thought I was going to skip this tour this time as it is expensive ($110/person) too.

However, This time Tamarindo was almost flat for days. And If I want to surf other break such as Playa Grande would cost $65 or more.
So I and Jack decided to take a tour after checking magicseaweed forecast.

We got picked up in front of Witchs Rock Surf Camp at 5:30AM.

実はコスタリカのタマリンドは一年半前に出張で来た事がありWitchs Rock/Ollies pointも前回行った事があったのでツアー料金の$110は予算オーバーだなと思い パスするつもりでした。しかし今回はタマリンドは全く波が無く、Playa Grande等の他のポイントに行くのも$65も一回につきかかってしまう状況。ならば行っておくかということでWitchs Rock/Olliesに予報をチェックして行く事に。

朝5時30分にWitchs Rock Surf Camp というホテル前に集合



It took about an hour to get there by boat, that boat was much faster than a boat I took before.

We’re all stoked for the scenery, Yes it is exactly like Endless Summer.


テンションは上がり、まさにEndless Summer!


 Witchs Rock 

ボトム砂 Sand Bottom Best Tide: High Tide

My gopro captured this mysterious Witches Rock by chance after wipeout.

It is just beautiful scenery,
Big high rise rock sitting in the middle of bay where it should be nothing. Birds chirping and circling around the rock,and not to mention world class wave breaks in front of that mysterious rock.

Guide explained that most likely this rock got flown from the top of volcano as it erupted long long time ago and settled on the bay.

Go Proのワイプアウト後の画像にWitchs Rockの画像残っていました。 何もないはずの湾内にあらわれた岩、鳥が飛んでいて何も無い場所に最高の波と不思議な岩 素晴らしいロケーションです。この岩は一説によると火山活動で岩が飛んできてここにあるということでした。(真偽不明)

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Screen Shot 2014-06-15 at 2.45.14 PM

As for surfing, this time unfortunately Witches Rock was not good condition with onshore wind. it was head high but hard to find a corner and ridable wave as it was too many close-out.

I caught the best wave of that session, but I got dropped in by Jack.
It was usually hollow and powerful break but this time it did not show its teeth.

波はというと 今回Witchs Rockはオンショアが入ってしまいダンパー気味でイマイチでした。サイズは頭前後、前回来たときのような切れたセットは一本しか入ってこなかったが、その日一番のセットを見事にJACKに前乗りされて終了….. 掘れてきてパワーもある最高のビーチブレイクなのですが(前回に経験)今回はオンショアの影響もあり本領は発揮せず。

Ollies Point

Sand bottom, point break, there is a rock near take off area.
200+ meter ride possible, Best Tide:Mid Tide (it is my impression, some people say low tide is the best.)

Ollies also got onshore wind but decent condition.
Head high to overhead. I surfed at low tide one and half year ago, this time I surfed at mid tide. I think you can have more fun and good turns with mid tide. At Low tide, it is too peaky to make a big turn so I run through a peaky shoulder like conveyor belt.

This is one of the most fun wave I ever rode, easy take off but solid shoulder to make a good turn and top actions, plus it will create a barrel section when good set come in.

And I met blind surfer from Brazil, Rias.

ボトム 砂 乗り出し部分は岩 200メートルライド可能 Best Tide: Mid Tide(自分の感想です、Low Tideという人もいます)

OLLIES Pointもオンショアが入っていましたが、そこそこできました。セットで頭、オーバーヘッド。タイドとしては前回は完全にロータイド時にサーフしましたが、今回はミッドタイド。ミッドタイドの方が色んなターンを入れれてファンだと思います。ロータイドはまさにベルトコンベアのような張りまくったショルダーを一気に駆け抜ける感じ。


そこで盲目のサーファー リアスさんに遭遇  ブラジルから来たそうです。DCIM101GOPRO

His Friends from Brazil navigate him about take off point by saying the direction outloud as wave come.

I gave him one good set on that day, then he rode all the way to the shore, made 200+ meter ride. It was the longest ride of the day including all surfers. It was definitely the ride of the day!

A guy, Noah, who was on the same boat as us at inside that time said “he made a barrel section”.

It was beyond my understandings as Ollies point got many section with good shoulder, so even for non-hadicapped surfers, sometimes it is hard to make those sections.

However, He did ride all the way and said ” What an amazing day!” with big smile. That really made my day.

That day, it was just our group and those brazilian group, total 8 people, at Ollies point.

I think appropriate number of surfer for Ollies is no more than 10.

I wanted to share the joy and enjoy atmosphere with everyone in the water so I tried not to be wave hungry and wait for my turn patiently.

FYI, you should be careful surfing in Costa Rica around that time, in rainy season as crocs will come out from rivers to sea to hunt more foods.

And both Witches and Ollies are in national park ,and crocs are well populated area. As a matter of fact, guide told us that they saw crocs a day before at Ollies point. So I was surfing but bit nervous when wipe out in muddy water.

Next time, I would like to come back here in dry season so that I do not have to worry about crocs.

I bumped into Robert August who stared in everlasting surf movie, both Endless Summer 1 and 2.

周りの友人(ブラジル人のグループ)が声を掛けて右、左、などといってナビゲーションして乗っていきます。一本自分に来たセットを献上しましたが、すると見事にall the way 岸まで200メートルライドをメイクしていました。この日いた全員の中で最もロングライドしてました、ロングライド大賞 Ride Of the Day!  インサイドから見てた人だとバレルもメイクしたらしい。 セクションもあって決して健常者でも簡単な波ではないのに何故乗れるのかは理解不能。すごいものを見ました。本人も嬉しそう、最高の一日だと言っていました。 この日は自分達以外にはこのブラジル人のグループのみ 合計8人程度でしたが、これくらいがOllies pointだと人数的には限界な気がします。




前日もOllies Pointにワニが出没していたということで、Witchs Rockでもドキドキしながらサーフィンしてました。次回はワニの心配をしないでよいように乾期に来てみたいと思います。

タマリンドで永遠の名作サーフムービー エンドレスサマーに出演していた レジェンド Robert August に遭遇 ミーハーなので一枚いただきました。




I stayed at a hotel recently built, Copacabana, Room was spacious, $55/night include breakfast.
This pricing is very expensive for me but given Tamarindo pricing, it is not too bad. It is a minute walk from beach so it is convenient too.


新しく最近できた宿泊施設に泊まりました。copacabana $55 include breakfast


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I decided to move to Santa Teresa as Tamarindo got no waves for days and everthing is quite expensive here. I hope that Santa Teresa is a bit chepaer than here.

このままタマリンドにいても物価も高いし波も無いのでSanta Teresa サンタテレサに移動します。少しは物価が安くなってくれると助かる。

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