I took a shuttle from Leon and 5 hours to get to Sun Juan Del Sur.
I got off the bus at the center of city and looked for hostel around the area. As my luggage is too heavy to walk around the area, I chose one of the closest hotel in the city center.
Here are some photos of Sun Juan Del Sur. Girl posing on top of the car.
LEONからシャトルを乗って5時間程度でSun Juan Del Surに到着
とりあえず中心部で降ろされて、荷物が重すぎるので移動可能範囲は200メートル位 ORZ という事でほぼ一番近いホテルにチェックイン。
Roller skating and posing, she seems want to be an idol.
Fish Taco for $2, very cheap. It was my favorite meal and I ate this for most of the time for lunch.
フィッシュタコ $2 かなり安い 安いのでこればっか食べてた。
Sun Juan Town
Sun Juanの街並
Sun Juan Sunset
Sun Juanの夕焼け
AZUL PITAHAYA $35/day with AC. Room was clean and comfortable. Staff were friendly and effective.
AZUL PITAHAYA $35/day AC付 部屋も綺麗で快適 スタッフの皆さんもすごく対応良かったです。
Hotel Restaurant
AS for Surf break, Madelas beach is 30 minutes drive from the town, I took shuttle from hostel, round trip for $5.
Here is how it looks when I was going to the beach.
サーフィンはここから車で30分くらいのMADELAS Beachでできるのでシャトルを使用 往復$5
The below pic is from the internet, I missed sunset but heard that it was very beautiful as below pic.
MADELAS BEACH A frame, sand bottom on rocks. Best tide is mid to high. There were too many close out at low tide.
20-30 people with rental board in the water for surf school, they seem to be having much fun.
when 5ft set come in, it was too wide and close-out so I was catching smaller wave and aiming to take off from the corner of wave.
It looks this place does not hold big swell.
I took some left wave that day, and bit felt weird when I ride it.
As I was surfing only right break in El Salvador.
MADELAS beach Aフレーム ボトムは岩にサンド ベストタイドはミッドからハイタイド 下げてる時はダンパーが多かったです。
This beach seems to have been developed recently, and restaurant on the beach was above $10, bit expensive for me.
It got scattered peak, it handles good number of people. So I felt no stress about surfing with 30 guys in the water.
Some people stay in this beach, but most of the people were staying in the town and commuting here by shuttle.
Sun Juan got many American/European tourist/backpackers and good vibes, modern beach resort. But Restaurant near beach is above $10.
I liked this restaurant very much but portion was bit small.
ビーチはここ数年でかなり開発された様子。ビーチのレストランは$10オーバー かなり高い。
ここに宿泊している人もいますが、Sun Juan からシャトルで来ている人達がほとんどだと思います。
Sun Juan Del Surは雰囲気も良く 欧米人の観光客(バックパッカー)が多いです ビーチリゾート
近場で見つけたイチオシ レストラン美味しかったけど量が少なめ
I tried to find a shuttle to POPOYO instead of taxi in tourist office but could not find it.
And I was told that Surf shop “Good Times Surf” goes to POPOYO on non-regular basis, then hopped on next day shuttle to POPOYO for $25.
If you take taxi, it will be $60-$80.
If you want to do really cheap, I heard that it is possible to take a chicken bus. However, it will be a long walk, miles walk I heard, as it comes only to the entrance of the village.
If you travel light such as with only one light backpack, that should be okay. But in my case, I was carrying 2 surfboards, wetsuit and etc so I am really glad to use shuttle service.
Here is how the road looks to POPOYO.
Land Cruiser got no problem with Dirt road
そこでGood Times Surfというショップが不定期でポポヨに行っているというのを聞いて、ショップのイーオに頼んで$25でポポヨに行けました。タクシーだと安いところで$60 高い所だと$80とっています。
実際にPOPOYO ポポヨに来てみると、バスで来るのは相当辛いと思います。村の入口の橋の所までバスでこれるようなのですが、(そこから数キロ以上村まである)そこからタクシーを拾うのがかなり難しいようなので荷物が小さいバックパッカーなら気合いがあれば炎天下の中10キロ 砂利道を歩くのもありかもしれませんが、サーフボード2本に3ミリウェットスーツ、スプリング等もっている自分としてはほぼ不可能です。タクシーサービス使って本当に良かった。
Birds fighting on the street.
Next, I will surf at POPOYO.
次回はいよいよPOPOYO ポポヨでのサーフィンです。