My Endless Summer 俺のエンドレスサマー

EL TUNCO surf out エルサルバドルのエルツンコにてサーフィン漬け

I flew to El Salvador via Houston in US from Puert Vallarta in Mexico. I wonder if I should sleep in Houston airport. But It was my first time to visit El Salvador ,and I was bit nervous about that it is a dangerous country with high murder rate so I stayed in cheapest hotel near airport so that I can have good sleep that night and get ready for “dangerous” El Salvador.

Howard Johnson hotel, $60/night. It was not too bad but there is no restaurant in walk distance. Dinner was delivery pizza. it was bit expensive, $16 for a whole. But it was an only option.

ヒューストン経由で Puert Vallarta からエルサルバドルのエルツンコに移動


$60くらいだった Howard Johnson 悪くないけど周りにレストラン無しなので

ディナーはピザのデリバリー一択16ドル 高い


They really want customer to use mobile app instead of calling.


2 surfboards are too heavy to carry around. it was way too many luggages.
荷物増え過ぎ ボード2本になって鬼のように重いです。heavy as hell.


As I used United Airline this time again, got upgraded to business class. Lucky me!

今回もUnited Airline使ったのでビジネスクラスにアップグレードされました。ラッキー。got lucky to get a free upgrade YAY.    Balling!! LOL!


However, they are not easy on surfers, they did charge for surfboards and it was $200!!!.

ボードチャージはしっかり$200とられました 泣 まぁビジネスクラスへのアップグレードフィーだと思うようにした (ポジティブシンキング)
Biz Class Breakfast

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I took a taxi from airport to El Tunco for $25. I did not use bus this time as I got too many luggages. It turned out to be safe and okay to walk around that area as opposed to my expectation “Dangerous El Salvador”. But I think beach town like El Tunco is kind of exception as there are many police officers and security guards on street corner.
I was told by other tourist surfers that I should not go to K59 to surf alone as it could be dangerous.


エルサルバドル着いてみたら思ってたより全然普通。 道は汚いし、ゴハンは余り美味しくないが、この海辺の当たりは治安は大丈夫な感じ。寧ろエルツンコは警察官が道の角にたっているのでかなり厳しく警備している印象。でもこのエリアからでたら危険なようでK59とかのポイントは一人で行かない方がいいというアドバイスを他のツーリストサーファーからもらった。

エルサルバドル料理?のパプーサ お好み焼きみたいな感じ。屋台で2ドル 激安です。食べかけ御免 US2$ Papusa
Papusa, local food on street stand, it was just $2.

Put cabbage on top and eat.

For first 3 days, I was staying at Sunzul, the other side of town. There is nothing around the area at night and inconvenient to go to restaurant so I moved to El Tunco and stayed at PAPAYA LODGE from Day 4. There is a surf shop next to it, it was convenient location.

最初の3泊はエルツンコではなくスンザルに宿泊していたので全く何も周りになくて不便だったので、4日目からエルツンコの中心部にあるPAPAYA LODGEに移動 快適です。

I loved hammock time after surf with listening reggae music.


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This place has a pool too. プールもついています。

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$35/day with AC 部屋はこんな感じ AC付きで一日US$40ドル 5泊すれば35ドル

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This place is located in the center of town, so convenient. Dormitory room should be less than $10.

Sunzul was firing on 4/26th, double overhead set rolled in consistently. It will be easily more than 30 seconds ride when you take a decent head high set. If you ride all the way to the shore, it will take more than 10 minutes to paddle back to the peak. It did not create a barrel but got big rippable face. Sunzul made me wonder if there is any flat day here as It got overhead wave everyday during my time there.


これ以外の日も毎日オーバーヘッド ここは波無い日とかあるのかなと思うほど 毎日2ラウンド 楽に30秒以上のスーパーロングライドできます。岸までのったら戻るのに10分かかる。バレルにこそならないもののガッチリショルダーがはる。バリのエアポートレフトに波質が似ているかも。筋肉痛になりすぎたので今日は1ラウンドで終了 ブログデイです。

※写真とってくれた人がいたのでアップしました。 5月3日追記
*I added some photos of surfing on 5/3







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Those are from Internet website during my time there.
下記はネットから Double Overhead set
el tunco 2 el tunco 4 el tunco 4:26

In the morning, It was clean face condition. But in afternoon, It’s got bumpy with wind. It takes leg power to ride this wave size well in bumpy condition.

朝はクリーンだったけど昼くらいからは結構バンピーなコンディションに このサイズでバンピーなのは辛い

el tunco 5 el tunco3

I broke my lovely T-low 5.10
でこんな波でサーフィンしていれば板(T-LOW)が壊れたり broke my T-LOW 5-10
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This ding repair guy was pretty quick and fixed it good.

河の上のding repair 仕事早い でもきちんと水抜けてるか確認してからやってくれました。

2日間きっちり乾かしてたので良かった。quick ding repair on the river


It will be a party town only on weekend. It was quiet on weekday. It was too hot to put any clothes on in the club so every man got no shirts.

週末こそパーティータウンな感じがしますが思ったより全然静か。暑すぎて皆 上半身裸 笑

weekend party

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As I got swell lucky, I extended my stay in El Tunco. But it is time to try other spot now. Next, I will move to El Zonte. Hopefully, I can score uncrowded waves!



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