Driving 4 hours straight from Paris to some highway rest area in between Hossegor and Paris.
I parked in front of convenience store and used a paid shower for 2 Euro, then slept in the car. Next morning I drove another 5 hours and finally arrived Hossegor. Just in the nick of the time, I made it there for Quick Pro and watched last 3 days of the competition.
It was my first time to watch world tour surf competition in person and of course those world top riders such as JohnJohn and Kelly.
For the result, JohnJohn made a maiden victory in the tour. you can check out the recap from here WSL page. 8-12 foot with strong side shore wind, difficult condition.
Check out the video and how massive it is.
結果はジョンジョン優勝 大迫力でした こちらのWSLのページから詳細確認できます。
8-12feet のバケモノセットにサイドショアが入って難しいコンディション
He was very humble at the winner interview and mentioned his mother as the first person to thank for. He sounded very mature guy for his 20 something age.
For last 2 days of the competition, it has been very difficult condition even for those top riders. Waves are massive, double overhead with shifty wind and peak. Many competitors could not get the best set and got thrown by massive wave.
Hossegor is a beach break and inside current looks like a river so there was a Jet ski assistance to help competitors to get out there.
Despite in such difficult condition, JJ Florence managed to get, the best, clean and big sets.
You may have seen this 10 point ride by JJ florence. After competition, The town was very quiet as compared to before.
It was good for me as I was sleeping in the parking lot. I heard it is very crowded and be difficult to find a parking spot in town in summer.
Beach was packed with thousands of people. 何千人もの人で埋め尽くされたビーチ
激しく左右 前後にシフトするピークに多くの選手がベストセットをとらえきれないでいる中ジョンジョンの波の選び方とライディングは神がかっていた。まさに異次元サーフィン。
[Hossegor Area surf point]
there are many surf points along the coast such as La Pista, Santosha, Capbreton, Hossegor Main break. But you need a car to get around between hossegor main break and Capbreton.
I was there for a month, 2014 October. It was the best time at the right place and 2014 was swell lucky year. It was very consistent throughout the month and quite fun.
La Pista: Most frequently used for surf photoshooting. It creates good barrels but can be crowded with competitors.
Santosha: happened to see a person who I believe it was Stephanie Gilmore 6 times women world champ. She was practicing Air Reverse a lot.
Hossegor (main break): this is where Quick pro contest was held. I came across Kanoa Igarashi, Leonardo Fioravanti in the water.
I got dropped in by Kanoa on set, but he apologizes for that after Leo pointed it out. Both Guys are very nice and friendly, they made my day. My only regret was not to bring gopro in the water.
Next, I will go down to Biarritz to see a friend.
La Pista, Santosha, Capbreton, Hossegor(sennoirs) いずれもビーチブレイクでコンディションが整うとバレルを形成します。2014年10月の1ヶ月間滞在しましたが、ベストシーズン+当たり年だったようで相当に楽しめました。このエリアでは ビーチブレイクということもあり5.10 T-Low がぴったりで 6.0 Whiplash X Tajは出番はほぼ無かったです。
La Pistaは一番撮影に使われることが多いポイントのようです。確かに良い感じにバレルになることが多かったです。コンペティターが入ってる事も多かった
Hossegor(main break seniors) quick proの大会が開催されたメインブレイクです。ここで偶然 Quick Silver Young Guns Kanoa Igarashi, Leonardo Fioravantiに遭遇 そして良いセットが入ったときにKanoa Igarashiに自分がドロップインされてしまったのですがレオがすかさず 「今のは謝るべきだよー」とカノアに言って カノアが「ゴメンネ メイクしてくると思わなかった」と自分に言ってくれました。 ついでにカノアに握手してもらい、レオはその後もすごくキサクに話かけてくれてとても良い思い出になりました。Go Pro持っていくべきだった。。
@Capbreton sunny day
ダンパーブレイクにチャージしてたボディボーダー ボードがまるで墓標のよう。多くのサーファーがこのショアブレイクで板をこっぱ微塵にしていました。
Bodyboader charging at Shore break of Hossegor. It looks like a graveyard. Many surfers broke their board by this ruthless shore break.
Rainy morning from my room/ride. 車の中はこんな感じ 雨の朝
There was a shower booth in Capbreton and I used there everyday. No hot shower, it was cold in October.
Capbretonにシャワーブースがあったので毎日そこでシャワー 冷水のみ 10月だったので寒かった。
bought special kit to use normal fcs fin I had as this board fin system is for new FCS fin system.I did not realize it until I came to Europe. ヨーロッパついてから気づいたけど、実はこの板 new FCS finの板だったので通常のFCSfinを使うためのキットを購入
Bar at Hossegor, WSL competitors often seen at this bar ホセゴーのバー WSLの選手もよく来るらしい
Hossegor beach rainbow ホセゴービーチの虹
ホセゴーでお世話になった Le Bremontier のマネジャー
Manager of Le Bremontier, Thank you for showing me around and everything!!!
His family
毎朝このカプチーノからスタート My day starts with this cappuccino @ Le Bremontier
10代のカップル2人 サーフデート teenagers surf date at Santosha
Sidebreak was not strong enough and rolled down slight hill to small stairs while I went to surfshop. Called tow-truck and got it pulled out of this situation.
物価が高いのでもっぱらハム、サンドイッチとジュース 痩せました
As everything is expensive in Hossegor, most of the time I made sandwich and ended up losing some weight.
My old Nixon watch battery died and had to buy new one. 古いニクソンのサーフウォッチのバッテリーがなくなり新しいのを購入することに。