My Endless Summer 俺のエンドレスサマー

Las Flores Again ラスフローレス&プンタマンゴー再アタック

After coming back to El Tunco from Las Flores, I could not stop thinking about Waves at Las Flores. So I decided to come back here and extended my stay in El salvador put hold on leaving for Nicaragua.

This time we rented Dodge pickup truck and off to Las Flores.
Chris, Thomas, and me.


今回はエルツンコで車(四駆のドッジ、ピックアップトラック)を借りて3人 クリス、トーマス、自分 ラスフローレスに向かいました。


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Las Flores beach after lunching boat to Punta Mango, we put a boat on this roller stand and push it to the water. This pic got cool with Instagram photo effect.

プンタマンゴーへの出航後のラスフローレスビーチ この台に船をのせて皆で押します。インスタグラムでいい感じになりました。


But it was not the best sessions. Wave itself was great, I am totally in love with this high quality wave but there were not many waves for that many people in lineup. It was too crowded and I felt the heat in the water as everyone was wave hungry there.

Last time I came here, Brazilian couple I came with from El Tunco got into trouble with other american surfer as they were not waiting for their turns and dropped in on others wave.

I do not want to be stereotyping but many brazilian got into trouble with those surfing style.

In evening, it was not too bad, but in the morning it was super-crowded and I had hard time catching a wave.

I only made a mini barrel in 2.5 days, and could not catch a best wave like last time I did.

I got lucky and did not have to pay for a boat this time as Thomas’s friend got sponsored by Billabong. Usually it cost $50 for a whole boat. ( There should be a way to drive up there, but I do not know)

In Punta mango, There was Brazilian pro surfers photoshooting was going on and not enough waves for everyone. There were many drop-ins and shoutings too. One of pro-surfer was charging by Alaia board(no fins).

I heard that it is almost double of number of people always in the water as compared to last year.






今回一緒に行ったトーマスの女子の友人がビラボーンにスポンサーされているということだったので見事プンタマンゴーへの無料ボートGET(通常往復$50) ラッキー(車でも行ける方法があるそうです)



[Las Flores Accommodation]
Last time accommodation was terrible so this time we stayed at Hostel which is located 10 minutes away from surf break. It was very comfortable, one of the best hostel in this trip and good value for money too!

Tortuga Verde   means green turtle.

$25/night $35 with AC. But I did not need AC so I chose $25 one.

This hostel is more popular and well known for backpackers, not for surfers. But I highly recommend this style, renting a car and stay here instead of staying nasty jail cell hostel that I stayed last time. Bed was very clean and comfortable.


前回の宿泊施設の酷さから今回はブレイクから車で10分ほど離れた場所にステイ かなり居心地良かったです。Value for money (コストパフォーマンス)的には最高でした。

Tortuga Verde   緑の亀という意味らしい

この部屋で$25 AC付けたら$35 でも夜は比較的すずしくファンだけでいけました。


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K59(Closer) and K61(further down)
【K59】 手前がK59 奥がK61


This is how it feels like going to K59.



K59 trouble with local?
I have been to K59 3 times, but I could not score good conditions but still it was quite fun size but I got into a little trouble with a local.

On that day, 20 people in the water, overhead wave, and 2 locals.

I caught one of the best set of the day from the peak and in middle section, that local guy dropped in.

I said “hey” to let him know but he kept riding and we both wiped out.

I did not care that much as I expect it to happen everywhere(I mean local drop into tourist surfer), and then paddled back to the peak.

He said ” Where are you from?”

I thought he was going to apologize so I said “I am from Japan!” with smile because I wanted to be friendly.

He said “Don’t paddle for my wave!!!!”

I was just surprised by this reaction as it was totally opposite of what I expected.

But, After that, that guy was looking for trouble with everyone in the water. Other british guy was kicked in the water by that guy for no reason.

It was my first time having a problem with local. I do not know if he is a local as I did not see him there other times.

Locals in El Salvador were generous and nice except that guy during my time there. Some of them even gave me a wave when I was waiting for my turn patiently.

And a real local in El Zonte, a son of hostel owner, he was really nice and helpful, cleaning beach often and surfing everyday.

He cleaned up a mess of tourists after holiday as there are lots of garbage in the water and beach. I would like to pay respect and wave priorities to those locals.

【K59 ローカルに絡まれる】


波 オーバーヘッド 約20人入水 そのうちローカル2人







「おい、俺の波に二度とパドルするな わかったか!!」

(゜Д゜ 二 ゜Д゜)ポカーン

「ちょwwww 俺の波も何も遥かピークから自分がライディングしてきて、その後にパドル開始してドロップインされても止まれない」




でも一方エルゾンテ(EL ZONTE)で宿泊したホステルのオーナーの息子さん? 正真正銘のローカルですが、仲間達とビーチクリーンしてました。勿論サーフィンの腕前も抜群。ホリデーの後はサンサルバドルから人がたくさんきてビーチを汚していくので、ローカルサーファーとしては綺麗にしておきたいという事でした。 やっぱりこういうのを見ると心からローカルリスペクトできます。 それ以外にもツーリストサーファーで海から上がった後にゴミをピックして帰っていくサーファーとかみて ほっこりしました。


毎日通った食事処 Tunco Lodgeの皆さんIMG_0388

Good bye to Brazilian couple Ricky and Nati



After surf, Billy chilling in the pool


People from San Salvador were riding cool motorcycle to beach party.


Yoshimura, made in Japan
バイカー達 ヨシムラの日本語が新鮮だった。







It looks like VIP seat but got messy after all
VIP席らしきところ でもぐちゃぐちゃ 笑

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Last weekend in El Salvador, We went out for party. I surfed 2 times next day and got completely exhausted. But last day, I was able to hit the lip so hard, one of my best top action, and locals cheered for me.

I could not film that one because Gopro run out of battery just before that happened. But it captured small set, but even for that, It was more than 40 seconds so I assume that I was riding more than a minute when I caught good sets.

最後の週末は皆でパーティー繰り出しました。翌日も2ラウンドサーフィンしてぶっ倒れそうになったけど、最後にスンサルで過去最高にきまったと思う当て込みができて良かった、ローカル達にヒューヒュー言ってもらえて、最後にとけ込めた気がした。 残念ながらその一本はGo Pro電池ぎれ。とっていた映像だと小さめセットで40秒以上ライディングしてました。かなり小さいセットだったのでトリム入っていますが、デカセットならトリム無しで1分ライドいけると思います。

Next, I will finally move to Nicaragua but after think twice, I decided to take a direct shuttle to Leon instead of Tica Bus.

I wasted $50 for Tica bus, but it can not be helped.

I am surfed out with swells so hopefully I can rest a bit in Leon, Nicaragua.



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