Canggu style I came to like it totally.
【Accommodation】Frii Hotel
This is the No.1 budget surf hotel among the hotels I stayed in the world. I could not believe that this hotel is just about $35/day including breakfast. This hotel room got AC, hotshower, wifi, pool, cable TV, and balcony too. they even offer a room service. I bet It would cost around $120/day in Europe beach town.
チャングースタイル すっかり気に入ってしまいました。
まず【宿泊施設】 Frii Hotel
これがバッチリすぎるサーファー向けバジェットホテルの中で今まで世界中で泊まったホテルで一番お得間あります。一泊$35/day くらいで宿泊しましたが最高、AC,ホットシャワー、wifi,プール、朝食込み、ケーブルテレビ完備、おまけにバルコニーまでついている。そしてルームサービスまであるから驚き、たった$35ですよ? ヨーロッパのビーチタウンだったら$120くらいはしそうだと思う。
ボードレンタルもあります。9ftガンボード こんなんチャングーで使う機会あるのだろうか 笑 board rental is available and I found a 9feet gun board. I wonder if anyone would use it here in Canggu.
朝起きたらbreakfast取りながら波チェック贅沢な時間です。 Breakfast and wave check at the same time. My favorite time in the morning.
朝ご飯も美味しい Pretty good breakfast and they even cook omelette in the restaurant
ビュッフェも種類が豊富です。many selections in buffet
部屋も綺麗です。 room is clean and cozy. it could be a little small for 2 persons, if thats the case, i would upgrade it to bigger room.
このセットアップが好き love this set up
バスルームも綺麗 Clean bathroom with good ventilation
Sunset Bintang time on rooftop restaurant
外国人オーナー所有のお洒落なカフェやレストラン、美容室が多いです。波乗りしている人達もメロー、Good Vibesジンジン来ています。
そしてチャングーといえばなんといってもDeus Machina
そしてDeus Machinaにはカフェ&レストランもついていて、裏には床屋さん、シェイプルーム、バイクのファクトリー まである始末 やりたい放題な環境で最高です。カッコイイ
【vibes of town】
Many foreign owned stylish cafe, restaurant and hair salon are in town. I felt good vibes from the surfers here too. without saying, Deus Machina is a must-go place when you are in town. It is not simple surf shop, its got everything literally from surfshop Barber shop, Custom bike, shape room to an organic cafe/restaurant on the premises.Yes, it rocks and I love the products.
In part, they exhibit skateboard/surf history on the wall like museum.
カスタムバイク Custom Motorcycle
First, I had no idea about this colourful stone bench. It is a table to put a board on in surf board shape room. when they glass a board with coloured glass to paint, it will drip down to the table and create this. They must have done sanding and polishing later to make it look better as an art work.
Carolina had an experiences of painting her board with coloured glasses and explained it to me how it happened.
衝動買いもしちゃいました。ボードショーツ 流石にはきすぎてクタクタになってきた。尚普段履きに使用予定 bought cool board shorts. now my boardshorts is too worn out after central america surftrip.
同じ場所なのですが、日曜日はDeus Machinaでパーティーこんな感じで会場はパンパンです。ライブミュージックで盛り上がりまくってました。
Carolina surfed next morning of that party.
うーん滞在延長したくなってきた 笑
In total, I would recommend Canggu for family, a couple and group of surfers.
Canggu got 3 different breaks on the beach within 300 meter. Main break is rippable wave and good for skilled shortboard surfers. 100 meter down to the left, there is another crumbling break for longboard surfers. And another 100 meter further down to the left, there is a place for beginner surfer. So Canggu accept all levels of surfers and got foreigner owned good restaurant,cafe and shops. You can find many things to do in this town.
Now I eneded up keeping extending my stay here in Canggu. Too comfy to leave this town.